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ThermoFisher Ultimate 3000 LC system

ThermoFisher Ultimate3000 nanoLC

The UltiMate 3000 HPLC instruments offer you excellent separation performance, dependable operation, and maximum application flexibility. When combined with our LC columns and detectors, these instruments will provide a single solution to meet all your analytical needs.                 Available Thermo U3000 systems U3000 nanoLC FLM-3100B nano flow manager, WPS-3000TBPL […]

Shimadzu Nexera X2 (30 series) LC system

Shimadzu Nexera

The Shimadzu Nexera X2 is a flexible system design achieves a true fusion between UHPLC and HPLC technologies, enabling the Nexera X2 to be used for a much broader range of applications. This UHPLC system not only offers maximum speed, sensitivity, resolution, stability, and reliability, it also features a revolutionary i-PDeA separation technology and an […]

Waters Acquity I-Class LC systems

Waters Acquity UPLC

The Acquity I-Class series has set a new standard in liquid chromatography which has been adopted successfully in laboratories around the world for the most demanding separations. Acquity UPLC systems are extremely robust, dependable, and reproducible. Work at higher efficiencies with a much wider range of linear velocities, flow  rates, and backpressures Higher flow rates […]

Waters nanoAcquity LCMS systems

Waters Acquity UPLC

The nanoAcquity series has set a new standard in liquid chromatography, introducing the UPLC technology, which has been adopted successfully in laboratories around the world for the most demanding separations. Acquity UPLC systems are extremely robust, dependable, and reproducible. Work at higher efficiencies with a much wider range of linear velocities, flow  rates, and backpressures […]