Unfortunately we do not. We are often asked why not and the reason is simple. Our mission is to provide vendor independent high quality mass spectrometry service. This is only possible with very skilled and well-trained engineers. Most of our colleagues in field service as well as in sales are former employees of Waters, Thermo or Sciex, sometimes of several of them. They accumulated a wealth of knowledge on these systems during the course of their career and know the systems very well.

For Bruker, Agilent and Shimadzu we simply do not have such well-trained engineers. And even if we would have one, that would not be sufficient to provide a consistent high-quality service with acceptable response times as if that single engineer is in vacation or sick, everything breaks down. Therefore we do not offer support on these manufacturers and will not change this inr the near future. In individual cases we collaborate e.g. with Bruker to organize instrument relocations together in order not to multiply the presence of transport trucks to bring down costs. If you have such a situation, contact us and we will try to help you.

But do you support GC-MS, MALDI-MS or ICP-MS?

Our engineers are trained for LC-MS, in particular analytical and nanoflow LC-MS. We have no experience and knowledge in gas chromatography, inductively coupled plasma or MALDI from the hardware side. Several of our sales colleagues have worked with some of these techniques and can provide information and tips, yet we can unfortunately not offer hardware service nor repairs of these systems.

When you are in need of support of a specific technology, please ask us! Depending on area and instrumentation we might know someone who can support you with this. But independent service engineers in particular for ICP-MS and MALDI-MS are extremely rare. If you are aware of people offering this support in high quality in your area or in a larger geography, please let us know. We will be happy to share this information with others in need!