Our products for mass spectrometry
MS Vision not only serves the mass spec community with service and maintenance but we also distribute and develop our own range of products as well as selected third party products and also buy and sell used mass spectrometers for modification or refurbishment.
We develop and distribute products around high mass and Native mass spectrometry, top-down mass spectrometry and related fields.
Whether you need a dedicated solution for your analytical problem or just a cost-effective expasion of LC-MS resources, we are the partner you are looking for!

Native ESI/High mass ESI QTOF systems
based on proven Waters Synapt technology we offer upgrades which optimize Waters Synapt systems for high mass MS applications such as biopharma/biologics characterization or virology
NativeQE is here!
Turn your existing QExactive into a biopharma workhorse. With 10.000 m/z for detection as well as quadrupole selection you have enough mass range to characterize monoclonal antibodies even in nativeMS conditions!
PhotoSynapt - Spectroscopy AND MS!
As a unique development, we offer a Waters Synapt upgrade which allows to perform optical spectroscopy of isolated molecules in the gas phase in combination with mass spectrometric analysis.
Used and refurbished mass spectrometers
MS Vision also buys and sells used and refurbished mass spectrometers and LC-MS systems form Waters, Sciex and ThermoFisher. Check our currently available system offerings!