Used ThermoFisher Exploris 480 incl. U3000 for sale

refurbished ThermoFisher Exploris 480 for sale

This instrument unfortunately has just been sold. Please contact us for other high resolution instruments available such as QExactive HF or QExactive HF-X! 

The ThermoFisher Exploris 480 is a Thermo Scientific™ quadrupole-Orbitrap™ mass spectrometer, based on the hardware and instrument control software designs of the next-generation Thermo Scientific™ mass spectrometers and incorporates extensive customer and service engineer feedback. Built on the guiding principle of ease-of-use and reliable hardware, robust system performance boosts sample throughput. Soundness of data is assured with high-resolution accurate-mass (HRAM) selectivity, high scan speed and bestin-class mass spectral quality, all within a compact footprint to conserve bench space. Simplified operation, smart scheduling and execution of user selected scan types deliver rich, high-confidence sample insights for users of all skill levels in a wide range of applications from small molecules to peptides and intact proteins. Features:
  • Ultimate sensitivity with an efficient, heated electrospray ionization (H-ESI) sprayer to deliver maximum performance with minimal optimization
  • Flow rates from 1–1,000 µL/min: – low flow needle 1–10 µL/min – high flow needle 10–1,000 µL/min
  • Enhanced ruggedness and reduced chemical noise with sweep gas
The instrument is currently located in our office in Almere, tested and running under vacuum. It comes with a ThermoFisher Ultimate 3000 nanoRSLC.
Mass range 40 – 6.000 m/z
Resolution 480.000 at m/z 200
Scan rate up to 40 Hz
Mass accuracy internal <1 ppm RMS, external <3ppm RMS
Polarity switching One full cycle in <700 msec (one full positive mode scan and one full negative mode scan at a resolution setting of 60,000)
Dynamic range >5000:1
Multiplexing Up to 20 precursors per scan
Sensitivity Full MS: 50 fg reserpine on column S/N 100:1 SIM: 50 fg reserpine on column S/N 100:1
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